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schematic representation中文是什么意思

用"schematic representation"造句"schematic representation"怎么读"schematic representation" in a sentence


  • 概括表象
  • 图示


  • The following diagram is a schematic representation of the launcher
  • A schematic representation of the proposed treatment of multi - beneficiary accounts
  • Figure 2 - 1 shows the schematic representations for four major types of electrically controllable switching elements
    图2 - 1所示为4种主要的电气控制切换元件的示意图。
  • Industrial automation ; computer aided design ; format for the exchange of standard parts data ; express - scheme for schematic representation
  • A process compilation program is developed to generate process flows from schematic representations of planar semiconductor device by two steps : sorting the structures and generating the processes
  • 4 . the difference between the numbers of representations that was used by students was significant . the order is schematic representation , semantic construction analysis , direct translation , rehearsal representation , other representation types and pictorial representation
    4 、小学六年级学生在各种问题表征方式的选用次数上存在显著差异,按照被选用的次数,这六种表征方式依次为图式表征、语义结构分析、直译表征、复述内容、其它表征和图片表征。
  • 2 . the main effect of problem representation types is significant and this significant difference explained that with schematic representation or semantic construction analysis students had better performance than students with other representations ; direct translation , rehearsal representation , pictorial representation or other representation types had no significant differences in performances
    2 、问题表征方式影响小学六年级学生数学问题的解决,图式和语义结构分析两种表征方式下的成绩好于复述内容、图片表征、直译表征和其它表征方式下的成绩。
  • The within - subject factor , included rehearsal representation , schematic representation , pictorial representation , direct translation , semantic construction analysis and other representations . the second between - subject factor included boys and girls . the results showed that : 1 . the main effect of working memory is significant and this significant difference explained that the higher capacity the better mathematics problem solving performance ; the lower capacity the worse performance
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